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WhatsApp Image 2019-05-20 at

Mobile Health Care Centres for the newborns in Kosovo

After the Kosovo war, the health care system was very deteriorated and they had the highest Infant Mortality Rate in Europe. This reality has improved in the last years, but there's still a lot of work to do. A group of five students from the Windesheim Honors College will travel there to help with the situation.


When the hospital comes to you, instead of you to the hospital

We have recieved some questions about our first article, and we have decided to post our answers here so everybody can learn more about the situation in Kosovo.


Let's be honest-

Our implementors' answers

We interviewed Hien, Selina and Iris via Skype on the 13th of May. On the same day, Lina and Quincy sent us some answers to other different questions that we asked via WhatsApp because they couldn’t join the call.

Снимок экрана 2019-06-10 в 16.47.21.png

How to build a Mobile Health Centre

After eight weeks, Team Kosovo is finally returning home. They have researched how to build a Mobile Health Centre and with this info, fortunately, AMC Health will be able to provide it to the rural areas of Kosovo.

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