How to build a Mobile Health Centre
Team Kosovo has finished all their projects and they are already in the Netherlands, where they will have to keep working on projects for the university. Before leaving, they arranged and created a research proposal so AMC (Action for Mothers and Children) Health can create their Mobile Health Centre, the first one in Kosovo.
Creating this mobile hospital won’t be easy for the NGO. First, they need to get partners and donations to build it, something that won’t be easy but they expect to have accomplish it next year (2020). When they get all the contributions they need, they will set up a little pilot project (2021), where they will try in a small location of Kosovo, getting feedback from the users.
When AMC Healthhas all the information they need and changed everything that needs to change, they will launch the real Mobile Health Centre to the road to help all of Kosovo. This will happen approximately by 2025 and they hope that, by 2030, the child mortality rate of Kosovo will have declined by 20%. They also hope that by 2025, women in Kosovo get a minimum of four professional visits of a health care expert during their pregnancy.
The Mobile Health Care Centre will have two teams of two nurses and one doctor and do shift work. This groups will travel to the rural areas, do check ups on pregnant women and will give personal or group counselling sessions of various types (breastfeeding, nutrition, family planning…). For treating patients, the Mobile Health Care Centre will have all kind medical tools, but only those needed for maternal care.
The Mobile Health Care Centre will be a portable container that will be transported on a truck, probably driven by one of the nurses because they will be the only ones travelling to rural areas, doctor will only travel in case of emergency. The outer design of the Mobile Health Centre also needs to give a reliable and familiar image to people, so the logos of AMC Health and other partner associations will be included to the truck.
All of this information was collected by Kosovo Team while they were doing interviews with experts and women of rural areas. Experts considered necessary to also hire midwives, psychologists and gynecologists. The women of rural areas recommended that all the staff was female, so the patients were more comfortable while being treated.
This may seem for us like a very little first step in changing the health care of mothers and children in Kosovo, but it can mean a lot of change for them. If everything goes well, maybe another Mobile Health Care Centre will be created (maybe by AMC Health or by another NGO). It could also be possible that the Government gives more opportunities and better help to the rural areas. Anything could happen, but what we know for sure is that this mobile clinic will bring a better health care to all the Kosovars and, so, will help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal number 3: Good Health and Well-Being.
This article will be the last one that we write about this story, although we know there’s a whole future of chances and possibilities in it. We (Hajin and Lucía) are going to say goodbye because we also have to go back to our home countries and keep working and our own future and projects. We hope that you have enjoyed reading these stories as much as we have writing them and we hope that we can keep being in contact and keep reading incredible stories about how normal people can make a huge change to the world.