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Team Unicycle in action

4-5 days a week team Unicycle spends 6-7 hours in the IPMB office. They do research, organise the upcoming events and lectures, contact their clients and stakeholders and run the IPMB mailbox. But who are these “invisible” students? And what exactly are they doing?


Everything you wanted to know about IPMB team

What does the "Dutch approach" to education mean? What is the Philosophical Science Café? Why working on the IPMB Handbook is so important? – answers to these and other questions you will find in this explainer.

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Let’s talk about vaginas

What do we know about the perception of women and the female body during the history of mankind? Was it always like today or has it changed?

Mineke Schipper, a famous Dutch writer, answered these questions during her lecture called “Breasts, bellies, vulvas. A debate on male and female power (lessness)”


"The war continues"

The official opening ceremony of the Shelter City photo exhibition took place on May 8th in City Hall of Zwolle. It tried to clarify the situation with human rights organisations in the Netherlands and in other countries for the audience.

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